
A new redesign!

· yuki

I’ve redesigned the website to move to a more minimalist theme, bearcub, which makes syntax highlighting looks better, fixes images in the home page and overall just looks better.

hello… again!

hello everyone! i’m back after a month. there wasn’t much to post about so i didn’t update the website at all. however, now i do have a lot more ideas for posts!

a few days ago i looked at my website and was not satisfied with it at all. the color didn’t really fit my tastes, and the syntax highlighting looked god-awful. so i moved from the hugo-classic theme to the hugo-bearcub theme, which looks more minimalistic and pretty at the same time! it’s very lightweight, with the default example site’s pages being only ~5kb big. it has a lot of cool features such as rich content shortcodes (embedded youtube windows that are more private), RSS(really simple syndication) by default, reply by email and dynamic social card generation (don’t really know what that exactly is yet!). it also generates a robots.txt for SEO, and has multiple language support (i’m not using it because i think English is the only language anyone should learn.)

2  [languages.en]
3    title = "awesome-yuki!"
4    languageName = "en-US"
5    LanguageCode = "en-US"
6    contentDir = "content"
7    [languages.en.params]
8      madeWith = "Made with [Bear Cub]("

the new theme also fixes images not being able to be placed side by side.

syntax highlighting

my previous website’s design has not good at all. no offense to the old colorsceheme, monokai of course. but it had a few problems like having sharp corners and a bright pink border which did not contrast with the rest of the page well.

the syntax highlighting in the new theme looks good, except for the colorsceheme. however, i realised that i could configure the syntax highlighting in the hugo.toml configuration file. so, i changed it to my favourite colorsceheme, catppuccin!

2  [markup.highlight]
3    lineNos = true
4    lineNumbersInTable = false
5    noClasses = false
6    style = 'catppuccin-mocha'
7  [markup.goldmark]
8    [markup.goldmark.extensions]
9      strikethrough = true

things to take note

old posts are all broken. like, i can’t do anything about it without spending half a day changing the posts.

EDIT: I removed the old posts for several reasons. See my blog post for more info.

#hugo #website

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