CLI Clients for Neocities!



Categories: Blog Archive Tags: Terminal Software Linux

CLI Clients for Neocities!

by yuki, on 2/2/2024

hi guys, i know it’s been a bit since my last blog post (totally not 3 weeks or something… 😁) i’m sorry for the delay, i’ve been busy with homework and projects. the big blog post i promised y’all in the last blog post is a massive undertaking, and i’ll probably need quite some time to finish it.

so, today i just wanted to share my struggles with finding a command-line interface (CLI) for Neocities, as i want to manage this website from my terminal (i use alacritty btw :3)

so a few hours ago, i was about to start typing the big post out, but i really did not want to do it in the html text editor in text editor, as i wanted to use the custom syntax highlighting and other cool features of my text editor, neovim. so i searched out CLI clients in the Arch User Repository (AUR) (i use arch btw :3)

so in the AUR, i found 4 different CLI clients: the offical one writen in ruby, a bash rewrite, a cargo rewrite and a go rewrite. i ended up in dependancy hell when installing the offical one, as it used outdated dependencies, as well as the numerous circular dependencies. the rust and go rewrites both failed during the build process. the bash version is uh… something, to say the least. it uses git to manage the website folder, and i absoulutely despise git as i cannot wrap my noggin around it. so after wasting 20 minutes trying to make it work, i gave up and uninstalled the bash client.

and that is when i discovered another rust rewrite, and it built properly when i installed it with cargo. i had some problems signing in, but i eventually got it working. so here we are, i’m writing this post in neovim and i’m going to push it to the site in a few minutes. that’s all for today, and i hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

A CLI client for Neocities

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